Sunday, February 5th, 2012

King of Swords — The Stone Tarot

Alison Stone

• Upright: authority, power; keenness of mind; courage • Reversed: authority corrupted; dominance; evil intention •

Artist: Alison Stone


I am very sleepy because I

did not get enough sleep this

makes it difficult for my brain to

function. Recommended

remedy: sleep. Instead, I eat an unusually large

amount of food, lounge around with

old National Geographic magazines, and

finally get around to telling

this deck: “Wake me up.”


The King of Swords

sits on a narrow throne in the blue wilderness.

This king leads with his keen mind and his

sharp tongue and even sharper, keener blade.

The cutting edge of his sword

shines with some light of its own.

He lifts his eyebrows as if,

without them lifted,

his heavy eyes might close,

his lazy lids might touch,

his head might nod in sleep,

his arm might fall and slice the blade

across his own bare neck and thus

relieve his body from his brilliant,

sometimes over-bearing mind

forever. Even kings must

even kings need even kings must

sleep.                                       Is tired.

This king.

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

Little Czech Oracle Deck — five-card story

[I love this little deck. It has no pretenses of grandiose history and no controversial past. There is no right or wrong about it.]


Illustrator: Ivy Hüttnerové


I told Martin, “Draw five cards to make a story. If you don’t like it, draw five more until you do.” This deck has a large portion of cards that can be interpreted somewhat (or entirely) negatively. After a number of random sequences, he settled on Lover-Trouble-Wedding-Journey-Love.


In the first image, a fine-dressed, mustaschioed man holds a bouquet in one hand, a gentleman’s cane in the other, and waits by a clock for his Lover. It is seven past eight in the evening. His nerves buzz with excitement. The woman he waits for is beautiful. Waiting for her, he feels like a child waiting for Christmas. She arrives, late.


The second image follows soon after: Trouble. It is evening. A black cat fixes its yellow eyes upon us in a concentrated stare.Ivy Hüttnerové The path to his Lover’s heart is a labyrinth of convoluted passageways between close facades of the ancient city. Each house invites the man in with its illuminated windows, its warm, arched doorways. He does not know the many paths that take him to his Lover’s heart; he thinks there may be only one. But finding this path is not the only Trouble. Trouble is also what happens almost every time two hearts attempt to join. Two hearts meander alleyways, seek silhouettes across the glass, wonder at the scents of food and family life that seep from homes as people come and go. Windows— doors— open— close— each movement a brief glimpse into the secrets of the Lover’s heart. And then there is the day, that day they end up in the same room, dining at the same table, warmed by the same hearth. It is not the end to Trouble as one might suppose, but they have found each other’s hearts, and this alone makes wandering the strange dark streets of Trouble that much easier.


Ivy HĂĽttnerovĂ©The third image shows a well-dressed couple together on a bicycle. The man wears a suit and bowler hat; the woman, a white, flowing dress, heels and a veil. Wedding. In the background is the church. Wedding itself is a simple thing: a moment in time: a ceremony: a declaration of intent towards future dedication. Wedding says: “These two hearts have met, now they are one.” Wedding shows pride in one’s Lover. Wedding is a ceremony for all to see. Here, there is no hiding of the heart.Ivy HĂĽttnerovĂ©



The fourth image shows a suitcase, umbrella, and a woman’s hat laid down by a path near a milestone. Journey. The path meanders past trees, through between high hills and under a bridge, off to the mountains of the horizon, off to the sun. There is no telling where the path goes unless one Journeys on it. There are two ways of traveling. One may look at one’s feet landing on the path and wonder where the path goes and when one may arrive. This makes the path a long one. Alternatively, one may look at each tree and hill as the final destination. This makes the Journey short and the destination always near, no matter how long the path winds on and on.


Ivy HüttnerovéThe fifth image is Love, both Lovers in bed, heads together and Cupid above ready to reload his bow with arrows. They are Lovers because they found each other in the Troubled pathways of the dark city, and they are Lovers because they Journey together towards the horizon of life’s winding path, admiring each tree and hill and milestone they pass, and they are Wed by life.




I am sorry this is such a boring story—

Martin wanted a happy ending.

I was ready to settle for House-Baby-Thief-Letter-Thoughts—

obviously a depressing, unsolved kidnapping mystery.

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

King of Cups — Kitty Kahane Tarot

[I have been drawing a lot of other people’s kings lately. I need to get back to work drawing my own kings. Perhaps this one shall have a fish’s tale. A fish’s head? A fish, sitting in a throne…]


Artist: Kitty Kahane
Booklet: Lilo Schwartz


Shuffling the deck, thinking about some new-found health issue of mine, I thought— “Tell me something about health.” Out tumbled the King of Cups— on his head— reversed.


Interpretation: “You rule as king over the world of your feelings. You are accountable for your feelings towards yourself and towards others and you discharge this responsibility with care. Your realm is the sea and you give yourself up to the waves. Dance with them, dive into them, let them flow through you.”


Emotions play a large part in all aspects of health. Although this is largely ignored by modern western medicine and its drug-dealing sponsors, it has been explored in depth in eastern medicine. Many renowned western scientists with a more holistic view on health (Candice B. Pert, PhD; Dean Ornish, MD; David Eisenberg, MD; Karen Olness, MD & dozens of or hundreds of others) have explored this topic in-depth.


A human being is not a mind and a body, but rather a mind/body. The physical body responds to the way we think, feel and act, a commonly accepted phenomenon called the “mind/body connection.” This also works in the other direction: chemical interactions in the body control our thoughts, feelings and actions.


When we are stressed, anxious or upset, the body tells us “something is not right.” The following are common physical signs that emotional health is out of balance:


• Back & neck pain • Change in appetite • Chest pain • Constipation or diarrhea • Dry mouth • Extreme tiredness • General aches and pains • Headaches • High blood pressure • Insomnia  • Lightheadedness • Racing heart • Sexual problems • Shortness of breath • Sweating • Ulcers • Upset stomach • Weight gain or loss •


Poor emotional health can weaken the immune system. During extended periods of stress, chronic illness becomes prevalent. When we are stressed, anxious or upset, we often do not take care of our health as well as we should. Exercising and eating nutritious foods become arduous tasks. Drug addiction (include such mundane drugs as sugar, coffee and chocolate here), sexual promiscuity, and inappropriate social behaviors are signs of poor emotional health that eventually lead to worsened physical health. Years after emotional health has regained stability, physical health may remain compromised. King of Cups, MD, re-minds us: mind and body are one.


Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Six of Coins — Cary-Yale Visconti Deck

Artist: Unknown


Nice interpretation: Generosity. Philanthropy. Charity. Kindness. Gratification. Gifts. Material gain. Not-so-nice interpretation: Avarice. Selfishness. Envy. Jealousy. Bad debts. Unpaid loans.


I think I’ve posted this image upside-down, which might be bad luck. Looking closely at the card, there are three coins that have a horse and rider on them. The way I have it posted, horse and rider are upside-down. Giordano Berti proposes, in his book The History of the Tarot, that the deck was produced between 1442 and 1447, because the coins show both sides of the golden florin coined by F. M. Visconti in 1442 and withdrawn from circulation at his death, in 1447. Upside-down and right-side up are not so important in this deck as they are in modern tarots: there is no evidence it was ever used for divination. I like to assume the card was right-side up when I drew it.


I could find the fact that the deck was never used for divination as a wonderful excuse to write nothing further about the meaning of this card. The other wonderful excuse I have is that the washing machine overflowed today, spreading about ½ an inch of water through a large portion of the mildew-inclined basement. That said, I’m glad the washing machine was in the basement and not on the first floor, and I’m glad it’s winter so we can keep the wood stove cranked to help dry things out, and I’m glad it seems a relatively easy fix. Martin came home early to help me wring out the spare futon and the collection of cardboard boxes and the drywall and such. So I think the card was definitely right-side up. If it was upside-down, I’d be in a foul mood— but I’m happy.

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Nine of Arrows — The Wildwood Tarot

Will WorthingtonArtist: Will Worthington

Authors: Mark Ryan & John Matthews


The authors place arrows in the element of air, thus making this card correspond to the Nine of Swords in the Marseille Tarot.


The book written for this deck lends itself to personal-insight readings more than readings about others. If I want personal insight about my relationship with another person, that is one thing. If I want to gain insight for another person, that is impossible. I am not a psychic and cannot see into the other person whatsoever, even if I feel perfectly capable of offering options on what someone might do in a given situation. No matter how much advice we give each other, change must always come from within. It takes insight to turn knowledge into wisdom. I do not believe in wielders of psychic magic, able to find all answers in the cards. I do believe there are many ways of gaining insight. Although another person may help you gain insight, there is no one who can give you insight but yourself.


I bring up this point because I don’t think this card would be useful for the person for whom I pulled it. Sometimes people don’t even want insight. Sometimes too much insight is too much and it needs to wait. Sometimes people want escape. Sometimes escape is necessary. Insight can come later.


That said, I will go on with the authors’ interpretation of this card. “The spiritual warrior dedicates their arrows of inspiration by playing the bow as an instrument of summoning. The inner oath helps keep one on a balanced footing by dedicating skills to a greater good.”


In a few words, this card asks us to heed the calling of the spiritual warrior and defend the soil to leave a living (as opposed to sterile) legacy for our children. It suggests a daily ritual as a reminder-oath to conserve and protect the environment. Some people dedicate their lives to such a calling, some their lifestyles, and some a few minutes a day at most. We can all do more; it is a matter of dedication and desire.


The Nine of Blades is often called the nightmare card. I have spent much time seeking wisdom through my overpowering nightmares and thus choose to call the Nine of Blades the card of the prodigal dreamer. The keyword on this card is “dedication.” It takes great dedication to turn a nightmare into a dream. What is the strength of your dedication? Are you still fool enough to see this nightmare as a dream?