
Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Akiva made a new tessellation out of pattern blocks. The limit to any pattern containing orange squares is always the orange squares. I tried to remedy this by purchasing some more pattern blocks. The new pattern blocks I purchased were off by β…›” on both the blue and white diamonds, so I returned them and purchased some vintage pattern blocks on Ebay, which were fine. I wrote the pattern block company and sent them photographs of the measurement error, thinking they might be interested in a mathematical error in their math manipulatives. They sent me a new set of blocks, hoping that it was just a one-off on the size error. Sadly, it was not. Fortunately, the orange squares are all the correct size, so although I haven’t mixed in the new diamond shapes, we have more orange shapes than expected. Unfortunately, we still run out.


I have upgraded to the new version of my photo editing tool, ON1 Photo Raw. It has some really neat AI tools, most of which I won’t use. Here I have used the AI select tool to make the background completely black. So easy!



Tuesday, June 4th, 2024




One of the first things I learned about photographing one’s children is that it is good to be sure to always dress them in clothing that is good for photography. This means no words or pictures on shirts, as those will detract from portraiture. As a homeschooling parent, I go a bit farther: when photographing one’s children studying, always be sure to dress them in clothing that matches their math book.











While Akiva is playing evening soccer at Bishop’s University,

Iris and I take a short stroll in some nearby woods.










Writing is exhausting.

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024


Monday, March 18th, 2024

The children sit at the table working on math.

These two photographs make it look more simple and peaceful than it ever is.






The School of Everywhere

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

If we have to have a school and a school has to have a name, thus I have named it: The School of Everywhere.

Perhaps our mascot can be the wind.