Saturday, February 26th, 2022


Mom picked up a Sears Kenmore 148.15600 (Model 1560) sewing machine.

It was built in Japan by Soryu between 1976-1978. She fixed it up just fine.




Later, in Dan’s room, Iris works on a book with her uncle.




They discuss the storyline. Iris writes and illustrates.




They may not finish it.




Meanwhile, in the same room, Akiva works on a book with his uncle.




They share the work of drawing the pictures. Dan draws the robot, the monster, and some of the foregrounds.




Akiva draws the dragon and parts of the backgrounds. He also inks the drawings.




The book might not have an end.







One Response

  1. aunt Ev says:

    Jessie, Your family photos are wonderful to look at. Kids are really cute and their big smiles remind me of you.

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