Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Top secret schematic diagrams

Martin brings home large pieces of scrap paper from work. The paper comes in handy for all kinds of fun stuff. We use it on the floor for drawing, painting, gluing, play-doughing and generally getting messy. I’m not supposed to tell you this, because on the not-blank side there’s some moderately-incomprehensible top-secret pictures of things. We don’t spend much time looking at that side, tho. The blank side is much more interesting.


Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

Puddles in the yard

Quickly melting snow leaves large puddles in the lawn.




The children fill up cups,




carry them to the wheelbarrow,




then pour them in.


Monday, April 3rd, 2017


I saw the wagon at a garage sale, put the kids in, and said, “How much for the wagon?”

“Ten dollars,” said the woman.




As I paid, I heard another woman say to someone, “Are you done, then?”

I looked over. There was an old man standing next to her.





“Well,” he said, “I was thinking about the wagon.”





I could feel him watching as I pulled the kids out the garage, down the drive to the car.





I wish I’d bought some other things there, but I mostly only bought the wagon.

It was a good choice.




I still wonder what the old man was thinking as he looked at the wagon.










Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

Game of Gears

We have a toy with holes and gears.

Akiva has discovered that the gears fit perfectly into the floor vent.





When they are all in, the gears turn perfectly!




Then Akiva takes them all out and puts them back in the board with holes.




When he is done, he puts the game away.



Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

While Iris is away at schoolβ€”

Akiva plays.


He is wonderful at playing.

Sometimes toys roll under the shelves, & he has to look for them.




He makes one kind of toastβ€”




and then another and another until he finds a proper sort of toast.

Then there is only waiting until it pops up.




After working in the kitchen, Akiva cleans up after himself.




He is quite meticulous in his cleaning.


Saturday, March 18th, 2017

Visiting the Hacks in Connecticut

Our house needs to be painted before we can sell it. It would be easier to paint if there weren’t so many kids around. So I took the kids and visited the Hack family in Connecticut. It was great!!! Actually, it was perfect. I mean, I don’t think anything went wrong. I’d tell you everything that went wrong, only I can’t think of anything other than the fact that I didn’t take any photos at all whatsoever of Iris & her best friend aside from this day when I took some photos of the kids all playing train tracks in the playroom. The playroom is really quite nice.



Joshua shows Akiva how the tracks go together.




Akiva mans the tunnel.

Joshua placed a stop sign at the end of it to make sure the trains do not go off the end of the track.




Iris looks for the perfect piece of track.




The end of the line.

How much track would it take to make a ramp all the way down the stairs?




Leigha makes a long train.




Roundabout the baby!


Wednesday, March 15th, 2017

…and then it snowed.

It snowed a lot.




Meanwhile, I stayed inside designing wearable mermaid tails for 13″ dolls.




Akiva’s favorite toy is the snow shovel.


Sunday, March 12th, 2017

Cold, Hot, Cold Again. New Village Farm.

It is cold again. We go to the farm.

It is very, very cold.




A baby goat peeks cautiously around the corner at the not-so-warming sunshine.




The goat makes Akiva nervous.


Friday, March 3rd, 2017

Baby Swings

Iris pushes Akiva on the swing.





She is getting a bit large to fit in the baby swing herself.



Saturday, February 25th, 2017

Cold & Hot (winter, 2016-17)

This is how it is all winter: cold, hot. Cold, hot.




Every time it snows,

the sun comes around a couple days later with its big yellow face

and melts everything to puddles.

All winter long.




(Look! A stick!)