Iris once sat here & told me to take a photo of her, just her alone.
I think of it every time I pass this spot in the woods.
(long post warning)
When we got back from camping, the field behind our house was mown. They came to turn and dry the hay, then yesterday, they baled it. The plan for today was to go down early in the morning to get photographs of the scattered bales and the children playing. But even before we sat down for breakfast, I heard the tractor’s noise. And there they were, picking up the bales! Quick! We ran outside to watch.
Akiva likes watching the tractor lift the bales to place them on the trailer.
Iris is a bit nervous that she might get squished.
Finally, all the trailers are full and off to be unloaded.
The tractor driver left a long row of waiting balesβ for us!
Martin leans over to take a good sniff & Akiva steps on.
On top!
With few minor adjustments to move the bails closerβ
off they goβ across the bales!
Back againβ
and off the top!
Back onβ
and on across the balesβ
and back again.
A few more adjustments to close the gapsβ
and away they run.
Back up to the high endβ
and jump down again!
Up, back up on top of the balesβ
and running!
Back down again. Off the top.
Back on Earth, Iris discovers left-over hay. What a waste! She gathers it.
Akiva is not quite done on top. He finds it is more efficient to gather hay directly from the bales.
Meanwhile, Iris has trotted back home to get some yarn and a pair of scissors.
She has an idea.
Akiva gathers hay directly from the balesβ
(which is bothersome to Iris, because her project was to glean the field)β
he hands it to Martinβ
and Iris ties it into smaller round bales.
Martin ends up with big muscles from rolling bales and lifting kiddos before changing out of his pyjamasβ
Akiva ends up covered in hay scratchesβ
Iris ends up with some lovely, small round bales to feed our prospective bunnyβ
and I end up with over a hundred photographs to sort and process! How lovely!
The end.
Camping du Pont Couvert is only 15 minutes from home.
Martin passes by each night for dinner on his way home from work.
* * *
Tabea, looking like the little girl she is.
Inside this little girl is a magnificent brain, re-inventing the future as she sucks her thumb.
Akiva, looking like the little boy he is.
Inside this little boy is endless charm and fledgling mastery. Women swoon. Strong men tremble.
All ashes to ashes,
All ashes to dust.
All ashes, all ashes,
All ashes to dust.
She buried him alive
in the sandbox,
one shovelful at a time,
and slowly.
She watched him writheβ
and laughed with glee when he broke free.
There was an old woman tossed up in a basket
Seventeen times as high as the moon
And where she was going, I couldn’t help ask it
For under her arm, she carried a broom.
“Old woman, old woman, old woman,” quoth I,
“Where are you going, up so high?”
“To sweep the cobwebs off the skyβ
And I’ll be with you, by and by.”
βM. Goose
We saw her yesterday in Compton. A womanβ destined to be an old woman if all goes wellβ with a broom under her arm. Or over her head. Well, anyhow, she was making brooms. She remembered Iris from last year. She remembered the tiny veggie scrubber they had worked on together. She remembered how much of it they had made and she said to Iris, “This year, you are old enough to make your own broom.” She sat Iris in front of her on her broom-maker’s bench and made a broom with her. She was absolutely delightful and I didn’t say thank you nearly enough.
When we walked down to the school today, we took the broom so that I could carve Iris’s name & yesterday’s date on it, as Madame KeeVanne (a.k.a. Julie Jo) had said to do.
I took my camera with me, as you can tell. That’s becoming a rare event these days. I used to take it everywhere! I’m not sure what happened. Perhaps I got disgruntled with the quality of the lighting at the apartment. Perhaps I got distracted my a myriad of things to do. But I did take my camera. I like to document my children, to prove their youth and beauty.
On the way back, we stopped at the woods piano. These days, one has to hunt for piano keys on the ground if one wishes to play the piano with piano keys.
Akiva is my main piano player. He appreciates all pianos.
This was once an integral part of a once-beautiful upright grand piano.
Iris & Akiva play a duet.
Akiva bangs out a solo.
Keys. There once were keys.
Brief photographic timeline of the woods piano:
Broken Down Piano: September 11, 2017
How Fares the Piano? April 9, 2018
Val-Estrie Piano (again): May 30, 2018
Decline of the Woods Piano (Winter): January 1, 2019
We walk through the woods to the island for the first time in a very long time.
I have not been sleeping well lately, & I have no energy to go in the water.
Akiva was excited, so he went first.
He hopped up into the chair and opened his mouth.
Iris went next because she was anxious.
Despite her anxiety, she was the perfect patient.