We bring Charlie to the Johnville Bog.

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Iris knows all the dogs in town, and all the dog owners know her. She’s currently walking an Australian shepherd named Charlie pretty regularly. I gave Brook to Iris for the autumn equinox (gifts on all solstices and equinoxes!), so now Brook is hers. When we go to the woods, Akiva walks Charlie and Iris walks Brook.


Akiva & Charlie




Iris & Brook




Akiva likes climbing and balancing more than Iris does.


Johnville Bog, August

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024

We went in the back way, up the hill from the parking lot.

There are four-wheel tracks everywhere excepting on the top of the ridge.

It’s private property.




The trail comes into the park at the back side of the largest pond.




The trail on one side of the lake is raised on planks to keep it out of the bog.




I like the wiggles and the old boards.




I attempt some portraiture of my children.




Either I specialize in silly portraits,




or my family specializes in silly people,




or the world is a silly place,




or nothing is silly,




or we are all just trying to all get along,




or, “seriously.” As Iris would say.





Tamarak in Autumn (Johnville Bog)

Friday, October 21st, 2022


we went to Johnville




in autumn




we looked at




the ponds




we breathed in



the woods


Johnville Bog & Forest Park in Orange

Thursday, May 26th, 2022





Johnville Bog in Monochrome

Friday, December 3rd, 2021














Johnville Bog in June

Saturday, June 19th, 2021

Here I am again! Oh, how I love this place.

I like to take a photograph both with my back to the sunβ€”




β€”and facing the sun. I love to see the light on the plants and the clouds.




I love the kettle lakes, formed by receding glaciers.




I love my family as they follow me.

To show them my love, I take 137 photos and choose my favorite one.




I love how quiet it is.




When we walk through the bog on the way back, the light has changed again!

I love it!




Iris follows every photographic suggestion. She is the perfect model.

Akiva refuses to pose as I wish. He is a different kind of perfect.




I like the curve of the boardwalk, the light of the late evening sun,

the smile on Akiva’s face as he runs at the camera for 43 more photos.

I chose one of my favorites.




I love this place!

Frog on Ice (Johnville Bog & Forest Park)

Friday, March 26th, 2021

Where the sun shines most, the snow was mostly melted.




Unfortunately for this ambitious amphibian, many paths were still coated in ice.


Johnville Bog, Winter

Friday, February 19th, 2021

In winter, the boggy back trails of the Johnville Bog & Forest Park freeze over.

The park management opens them up for foot traffic.





Β Β 

Far off the well-beaten track of boardwalks and open bog lands, the boreal forest is full of hops.*






We examine some rabbit poo. They seem to have been eating mostly bark and needles.

Looking around, I have no idea what else rabbits could possibly eat.






*Rabbit tracks


Kiss @ Johnville Bog

Sunday, October 18th, 2020

I tried to take some photos of the kids on this log in mid-September, but the lighting was lousy.

Fortunately, I come here often enough to try, try again.












Β  *Β  Β  *Β  Β  *Β Β 



Johnville Bog & Forest Park (Again)

Friday, September 18th, 2020

I think I’d be happy to come here every day for a long, long time.






After some time, other people might require me to go alone.