King of Blades β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Jessica Shanahan[I finished this illustration yesterday.]


Artist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


Upright: Clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth
Reversed: Manipulative, tyrannical, abusive


The King of Blades is in control of his thoughts. He is the king of clear mind, of rational plan, of undistracted concentration. He is not lead by wandering thought, nor are his thoughts lead by emotion.


The King of Blades’ power and authority lie in his ability to use logic and intellect to accomplish what he desires. He is an advisor with a solid reputation and a vast amount of knowledge in his field. His is the side of history, laws, structure and diplomacy. His is the stern but fair leadership of an incorruptible man of the highest ethical standards. He keeps his emotions in check and uses judgment as a compass to navigate path ahead. His ability to remain detached and objective in any situation allows him to seek out the facts and ascertain the truth. He is well-positioned to judge a situation appropriately and identify limiting behaviors. With the ability to take any situation, look at it with impartiality, and come to a decision that is both fair and insightful, he firmly gives sound advice to everyone.


β€’ Β  β€’Β Β  β€’


Martin, quite new to reading Tarot, does an impeccable job interpreting this card:

“Here is a fashionably dressed young King with his curled hair. He seems like a cool guy ready to party not to govern people. The little knife* he holds in his left hand is an indication that he is probably a peaceful person and has not interest for power. His throne and Kingdom were probably a legacy from his dad. The way he stands up with one foot on his throne, legs spread open and pubic bone pointing towards doesn’t seem appropriate for his standing and confirm his sexual orientation. I don’t think he has received his King training yet.”


*This is supposed to be a fountain pen.

Queen of Coins β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Jessica Rose ShanahanArtist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


The Queen of Coins represents a mother figure or the mother figure within one’s self.


This Queen is queen of her home and its hearth and the earth on which it stands. She knows the use of everything in this dominion, is very handy, versatile in her abilities, and secure in her knowledge.


The Queen of Coins has worked hard to gain a level of prosperity and security that allows her the ability to be generous with her time, wisdom and resources. She is resourceful and practical, dealing with issues as they arise in order to come up with simple solutions which fix problems with minimal fuss. Self-assured that she can provide for what she needs, she has an air of independence.


This Queen is compassionate, nurturing, practical and down-to-earth when it comes to dealing with other people and life’s issues. She calmly balances home life and work life, largely because she somehow manages to find time to do the things that truly help her become centered and relaxed.


This is why she is Queen and I am not.


King of Sticks β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Jessica Rose ShanahanArtist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


Today I illustrated this card. It was not random. First I had to learn what a king is: a king is one who frees himself from his own fear to become a natural leader.


I lead the illustration of my final four cardsβ€” the kingsβ€” with the king of sticks because a member of the aeclectic tarot wrote me this: “The King of Wands is about staying in charge of what you want to create. It’s about knowing what that is and being sure of it, not letting anything get you side-tracked, knowing what needs to be done to create it and keeping at it until it’s done…”


The King of Sticks is a visionary, inclined change the world to match his ideal. This king is the inner vision, the determining factor, the navigator of circumstance. He rules a strong and direct course of action and does not waste time on activities or relationships that lead nowhere.


With his self-confidence and clear focus on long-term goals, he empowers others to take on the challenge of change. Given power to deliver his visions and reassured they will succeed, others want to work for him. People know he will get things done and do them well.


By means of great leadership, the King of Sticks solves difficult problems with a solutions that benefit his people. Do the king’s work. Embody the king. Become the king himself. In this role, there is no room for doubt or indecision. The King of Wands is opportunity presenting itself.

Ten of Blades β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

Jessica Rose ShanahanArtist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


I said, “Tell me something about money,” and drew this card, reversed.


Blades are related to thoughts, plans, and attitudes. This card indicates a forceful re-evaluation of previous values, leading to a transformation that can eventually bring growth.


The ten of blades may indicate resisting an inevitable ending, fear of ruin, or dwelling on a painful ending. This creates unnecessary fear and anxiety. Are things really as bad as they seem? Old wounds need to be brought up, dealt with, and released. This is always difficult, but it is important to look ahead and realize how change frees you up to re-direct your energy and reshape your life.


So, I will be forced to re-evaluate my attitudes about money. I have generally spent as little as possible that I might work as little as possible. I have always counted my savings, felt in control of the money I spend, and stayed positive and monetarily independentβ€” or at least had a relatively strong illusion of being so. Having a child is a joint-venture. I will no longer even be able to pretend I am independent. In the near future, there will be a gazillion unforeseen expenses. I may get closer to running out of money than I ever have. I will be more willing to share money and spend money on others than I have been. Certainly, I will learn a lot.

Six of Blades β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

Jessica Rose ShanahanArtist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


Interpretation: Leaving a storm for calm waters. Change of thought or place. A journey through the watery mind. Attempt at harmony. Finding understanding. Rite of passage.


A man in a boat on stormy seas has lost his oars. He surfs a great wave as daggers fall from heaven. But it is not a hopeless situation. His eyes are the eyes of a fish, eyes that see through confused waters. His hands are webbed, like fins. On his head he has a swimming cap, and on his arm, the tattoo of a blade. These blades are nothing new. He is prepared for this and knows more than he thinks he knows. He will not sink. And when he swims, he’ll find a message in a bottle.


The only thing that could hinder him is baggage. One cannot swim with too much baggage. A stubborn, clinging mind will never change. To swim, he needs to let his boat go, to let his baggage go, to keep his mind clear, to keep his aim focused. To read the message in the bottle he needs to use both hands and leave all else behind. It is easier to find harmony in simplicity than in chaos.


The purpose of this blog is to gain a better understanding of the cards
that I might better be able to explain the images in my deck
and someday write a little book.

Five of Cups β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Jessica Rose Shanahan
[This is my third five of cups in all my 14 days of one-card readings. What am I, depressed?]
Artist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


Interpretation: Inability to see that, when the glass is half-empty, it is, indeed, half-full.


The man in the picture is glum. He is angry and disillusioned. He is sad for his loss and the imperfection of his life. He is sulking because all he can see is what is lostβ€” the four spilled cups in front of him. If he would only look aroundβ€” take a peek over his shoulderβ€” he would see that all is not lost. One shining cup hovers behind him, floating in the air like an apparition! Do not give up hope! Look for the positive! To do so requires a change in attitude. To see the bright side of a seemingly dismal situation takes a change in point-of-view. Stand up, walk over, turn around. The present situation is unstable and needs to change. Regret is useless. Look and seeβ€” what is possible?

Page of Cups β€” Tarot of the Absurd

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Jessica Rose ShanahanArtist: Jessica Rose Shanahan


Interpretation: A dreamy youth or youthful dreaming. The surfacing and realization of emotions. Artful expression. Inspiration from the realm of the unconscious and the spirit. The beginning of a creative project or venture.


I think my dreams have always flown like books in the form of butterfliesβ€” or butterflies in the form of books. I am ever the youthful dreamer. The main purpose of this blog is to extract a storm of words from my brain in order that I might have enough material to write a book within a year and a half. Then I just have to edit everything and publish it somehow. So simple to say! So easy to dream! So challenging to doβ€”


When I began this deck over a decade ago, I was using the tarot pack as form and framework for an illustration project for myself.Β  I saw the deck as a mythic tradition, similar to faerie tale or fable. For each card, I would use a certain number of traditional symbols to illustrate a given meaning. It was a dream, and the more I learned of the reality of the tarot deckβ€” or the lack thereofβ€” the more difficult my task became.


Even the simplest of things are inconsistent: the four suits are called by different names and people interpret the cards in ways that make sense to them. The mythology of tarot makes divination integral with multiple forms of divination and magic: the zodiac, kabbalah, the elements, alchemy, the divine name, etc. It has been said to come from the Gypsies via Egypt. It has been said to be a lot of things. Beautifully so, with just a little tweaking here and there, it can align with any system one chooses to align it with. Verifiable history, on the other hand, is another matter. Truth is often the destroyer of dreams.


I am currently reading A Wicked Pack of Cards by R. Decker, T. Depaulis & M. Dummett. It is an excellent account of the history of tarot as a playing pack and how it came to be transformed into a popular method of divination. Although some people prefer to know only some mythology and are satisfied to call it truth, I prefer to see how mythology interweaves with history and realize that neither is complete without the other. I believe that learning names and dates of history does not destroy the tarot as a tool of divinationβ€” though some may have no interest in such stuffβ€” either one or the other.


I am the dreamer of my own mythology. I do not see differing mythologies as systems that must necessarily be in conflict. Hindu Mythology, Greek Mythology, Judeo-Christian Mythology, Zodiac Mythology, Egyptian Mythology and Evolutionary Mythology can all live in peace with one another, if we choose to be peaceful people. There is no need to wage wars. We just need to agree that every truth is also a mythology, and each mythology a truth. What a beautiful dream that would be!


Tarot of the Absurd

Sunday, December 4th, 2011
Infant's Feet

My feetβ€” long ago.

The goals of this blog are to create a daily entry about a one-card tarot reading in order to facilitate the writing of a book at the end of 78 weeks’ time.


Six days a week I will read a card from a different tarot deck. One day a week I will pick a random card from my deck and write about that.


(Unless I don’t.)


For the purpose of this blog I have chosen four suits,Β  corresponding to the suits as I have named them for my deck. Other names are as follows:


cupsβ€” AKAβ€” hearts, chalices
coinsβ€” AKAβ€” pentacles, diamonds, money, oro
sticksβ€” AKAβ€” staves, wands, clubs, rods, batons, sceptres
bladesβ€” AKAβ€” swords, spades


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